Monday, June 18, 2012

The beginning of my debut novel/ day 6 (for those in the know)

Today is day 6 of "this book will change your life" and here is what I wrote: This is a true story. Not like those stories that say they are real but the more you read the more you are sure none of this could have happened to one person. This is actually true, I would know, after all it is about my life. My memory isn't great so before the age of 15 there isn't much to report other than one tragic incident were I was left at the park and a horrible nightmare involving a ken doll and some applesauce. For years afterward I wasn't sure if it was all a dream or if some of that fuzzy night had actually happened. I suppose there should be more on that but lets be honest, nobody wants to read every detail of another persons childhood. Now the teens and the young adult years that is another story all together so let's get to it. Watch for the rest of the story in bookstores near you.

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