Monday, June 18, 2012

what this hoopla is about

As of 5 days ago I am 30 years old and, might i add, still single. What this means for me...a list of thirty things I want to do in my thirtieth year. I know what you are how original! I have never heard of such a thing! How did she come up with such an idea? Never fear, this list is just as mundane as you are thinking. But alas I am not looking to scam my friends, family, and strangers into reading about my fascinating life so if you close this blog now and never return there will be no harm done. If however you a still here I have a disclaimer; I am not a writer, I am not an editor, I am not a story teller. However I am a girl looking for some change. So first things first here is the list of 30 goals for this year: 1. get to my goal weight. 2. Restyle a peice of furniture 3. Buy something I've always wanted but never wanted to spend money on. 4. Run a 5-k 5. Learn to believe in the possibility of marriage 6. Go on a trip to somewhere I have never been 7. Save $1000. 8. Keep a plant alive 9. Take a painting/photo class 10. Finish reading the bible 11. Write in my journal every month. 12. Go on 30 dates 13. Spend a day on welfare square 14. Buy one of my pinterest outfits 15. Go to a meseum/art gallery 16. Fast with a purpose 17. Host a party 18. Make something using a sewing machine 19. Do "this book will change my life" 20. Do something spontaneous 21. Upholster something 22. Make a blog 23. Buy something at tiffany's 24. Give away a book of Mormon 25. Read the count of monte cristo 26. Make something and sell it 27. Study a topic just for fun 28. Live alone 29. Get counseling 30. Learn how to tell time List makers note: 1. My goal weight is nunya, 5. I know I should already, 12. Do I have to? 22. The aforementioned blog will read as follows in this and other posts, 26. If you would like to buy any item in future posts I would be happy to oblige, 28. Today is day 6 of the trial run that may become the real thing, 29. Don't judge me you want to do it too, 30. Yeas that does mean that I currently do not have that capability.

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